Progress of Using Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Ferritic Steels as Fuel Cladding Materials in Supercritical Water Reactor 用于超临界水堆燃料包壳的ODS铁素体钢的研究进展
We need to understand what kinds of other materials need to go in the fuel such as the cladding, the internal structures that could be absorbers that will take away neutrons. 我们需要理解,哪种材料,需要进入到燃料里,例如覆盖层,在内部结构中,你可能是吸收器,那会将中子除去。
And we'll also be putting the fuel pins in the same zircaloy cladding tubes. 我们也放入了燃料大头针,在同样的锆合金的管子里。
Study of Chemical Technology Applied to etch the FBR Fuel Cladding Surface 气冷快堆元件包壳管表面粗化的化学加工研究
As a light water nuclear reactor fuel cladding material, Zr alloy has been wide used and its application experience accumulated, hence it is the potential materials for SCWR. 锆合金作为轻水核反应堆燃料元件的包壳材料已得到了广泛的应用并积累了丰富的经验,因而仍被列为SCWR潜在的应用材料。
When a neutron causes one of these isotopes to split, a large amount of energy is released, which is then deposited in the fuel, cladding, coolant, and structures. 当中子激发同位素发生裂变的时候会释放出大量的热能,以及更多的中子。
The susceptibility of domestic 316-Ti stainless steel cladding tube with respect to Fuel Cladding Chemical interaction ( FCCI) and Fission Products-induced Liquid Metal Embrittlement ( FPLME) under four oxygen POtentials has been investigated by out-of-pile simulation test. 通过堆外模拟试验,研究了国产316-Ti不锈钢包壳管在4种氧势下对FCCI(燃料包壳化学相互作用)和FPLME(裂变产物液态金属脆化效应)的敏感性。
The effects of fuel pellet shape factor, cladding materials and the inside temperature of clad wall on ETC were also discussed. 文中讨论了芯块的形状因子、包壳材料和包壳内壁温度对有效热导率的影响。
The failed fuel assembly identification system is an important safety system which ensures safe operations of reactor and immediate treatment of failed fuel rod cladding. 破损燃料组件定位检测系统是为了确保反应堆安全运行、及时处理燃料包壳破损事故的安全重要设备。
Radial and axial failure mode of fuel and cladding are simulated; 对堆芯熔融过程中包壳和燃料栅元的径向和轴向分段失效模式进行了模拟;
Middle temperature dynamic water side corrosion of fuel cladding of Al alloys for China Advanced Research Reactor 中国先进研究堆燃料元件包壳候选材料中温动水腐蚀
The thermal stresses study for blanket fuel element cladding of fusion-fission hybrid reactor 聚变-裂变混合堆包层燃料元件包壳热应力的初步研究
Oxide Fuel and Stainless Steel Cladding Chemical Interaction ( FCCI)& Deducing of a Semiempirical Equation 氧化物燃料与不锈钢包壳的化学相互作用&一种半经验公式的导出
The Precipitator of Fluid Film Type is developed for the determination of fuel element cladding failure of water-cooled reactor. 液膜式静电沉降器,是为探测水冷却堆元件包壳破损而研制的。
A safety check-up method for decommissioned reactor fuel element cladding 一种用于退役核燃料元件包壳的破裂检测技术
These methods contribute to understand irradiation behavior of fuel, cladding and structure components and supply proof for increasing burnup. 这些方法有利于加深理解燃料芯块、包壳和结构部件的辐照行为,为提高燃耗提供依据。
Zirconium alloys are generally employed as structural components and fuel cladding in nuclear reactors. The texture influences many application properties of zirconium alloy. 锆合金被广泛应用于核反应堆中,作为燃料元件的包壳材料或堆内结构部件,织构会影响其众多的应用性能,因此织构的研究及控制在锆合金的开发利用中具有重要作用。
The Effects of Neutron Irradiation on the Type 316 Stainless Steel for Homemade Fast Reactor Fuel Element Cladding Material 国产快堆燃料元件包壳材料316不锈钢的中子辐照效应
Although the materials of nuclear fuel cladding, internal surface and the main reactor internals, and operating temperatures of the pool type light water reactors in China are different from each other. All of pH value of water in the pools are always selected as slight acidity. 国内池式轻水研究反应堆中,尽管其燃料元件包壳材料、反应堆水池覆面材料和主要堆内构件材料以及运行温度不一样,其冷却剂pH值都定为偏酸性。
Analysis Method for the Fuel Cladding Integrality during Partial Loss of Reactor Coolant 反应堆冷却剂部分丧失时燃料包壳完整性分析方法
Hence, how to improve the corrosion resistance and reduce the amount of hydrogen uptake of the fuel cladding for high burn-up of fuel assemblies need to be further investigated. 随着燃料组件燃耗的进一步提高,如何提高锆合金包壳的耐腐蚀性能和降低腐蚀时的吸氢量是两个值得深入研究的问题。
The thesis makes a research on three-dimensional fuel element cladding damage digital monitor with delayed neutron monitoring as the major method and general γ and fission gas monitoring as the minor method. 本课题研究一个以缓发中子法监测为主,总法和裂变气体法监测为辅的三元法燃料元件包壳破损数字化监测仪。
This indicates that if the development of advanced zirconium alloy for fuel cladding used in supercritical water reactors is considered, the issue of hydrogen uptake should be given more attention, in addition to improving corrosion resistance of zirconium alloys. 9. 这给我们的启示是如果要发展超临界水堆核燃料包壳用锆合金,那么除了需要解决耐腐蚀性能以外,吸氢问题应给予更大关注。
Nuclear fuel handling and storage system ( PMC) is a system which directly handles nuclear fuel assemblies, namely, it directly faces to nuclear fuel cladding which is the first of the three barriers of nuclear safety for nuclear power station. PMC核燃料装卸贮存系统直接吊装核燃料组件,即直接面对核电站三道屏障中的第一道屏障&燃料包壳,其安全性是核电站核安全的重要保障。
Zirconium alloy which is often used as nuclear fuel cladding tube has a unique corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties. 锆合金具有独特的耐腐蚀性能和良好的机械性能,常作为核燃料的包壳。
The fuel rod cladding is the first shield against radioactive material, which can accept more than 90% of fission product. 燃料棒包壳是反应堆放射性物质的第一道屏障,它能包容90%以上的裂变产物。